HearthCabinet® Ventless Fireplaces HearthCabinet® Ventless Fireplaces

The World's Safest Fireplaces™️
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New Custom Designs - HearthCabinet™ Geometric Ventless Fireplaces


Can you believe that Fall is already here?  As evenings get cooler and days become shorter, it’s time to get ready for the colder half of the year. This Fall, we are pleased to announce a new line of custom fireplace designs – HearthCabinet™ Geometric Ventless Fireplaces. These ultra-contemporary designs will add a serious edge to any project.

Project by LB Architects and JE Fitzgerald

Project by LB Architects and JE Fitzgerald

As featured in this week’s New York Magazine’s Design Hunting issueHearthCabinet™ Geometric Custom Ventless Fireplaces offer a sleek and bold spin on the more traditional fireplace designs. No chimney venting, gas line, or electrical wiring required, the innovative design opens up a wide array of custom geometric options and brings true design freedom to any project.


Shown in pictures is a black “trapezoidal” Geometric ventless fireplace with matte black herringbone tile interior. Its trapezoidal shape, sloped on one side, adds a modern vibe to its traditional tile details, making the fireplace a perfect statement piece for both traditional and contemporary projects.


Scroll through for more examples of our luxury fireplaces. We offer a variety of options in dimensions, materials, colors, and styles.


Have more questions? We will be happy to answer them! Call us at (212) 242 or visit Contact Us page for showroom appointments across the nation.

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Published on by Hearth Staff.